
Showing posts from March, 2012

Does God Really Keep Us Away from Knowing His WILL? Is God's Will Separate from God Himself?

My Dear Friend, This continues to come to my mind after reading your post and the article, “His Will Isn’t the Point”.   It reminds me of the popular book that starts out, “It’s not about you”. Both of these I’m afraid are so misleading and disingenuous. Though they may want to lead you to God, they in fact do the opposite.  We cannot separate ourselves from God to find truth. We cannot separate God’s perfection and love into boxes or ideas of understanding and say, “This is what God look’s like”. This is carnal (natural) thinking. As if any of us can separate God out of His desire (will) put that part over here, His love over there, His divine character in another place. If we believe he is Omnipotent, Omnipresent, “All in all”, then we must understand that he is Wholly God. We cannot dissect Him from His Word, and in the Word to get a complete picture. You can’t separate God from His will. That is the erro