Dear Son, I am writing you this in hopes that you will gain courage and strength in your walk through this life. I was thinking today about a 12 year old boy that went on a journey with his family. On their return home, because the family was so large, the parents noticed that the boy was missing. They returned and looked for him 3 days. When they finally found him, he was in God’s house. The parents were so anxious (“in mental distress”) and probably frightened. They asked him, “Why have you done this to us?” The boy replied, “Why did you have to go looking for me? Did you not know that I must be in the house of My Father?” His parents didn’t understand what he said but they would eventually. You may be familiar with this story told in Luke 2 about Jesus. Two things stuck me, his age and where his heart led him. His family was accustom to following the Mosaic law (the old covenant) and customs but there was something about Jesus that would lead him clos...