A Dream
I woke up this morning from a bad dream. Most people won’t understand how it was a bad dream. After spending almost 20 years as a Jehovah’s Witness (JW) in an abusive marriage any logical person would think I was crazy to do so, except my devotion in the religion and as a wife is a matter of the heart. Who I am, more importantly, whom God made me to be! I’ve dreamt similar dreams in the past few months, only to wake up disturbed. The Dream: I am back in the congregation amongst many I knew before listening to some talk about how JW are separate and better than others for no other reason than they have aligned themselves with a body of men that say they have “The Truth” (about God). All JW’s are to believe the One truth about God without question. To question or to believe anything different means disloyalty and something is wrong with YOU. As I sat listening to words that were untrue and harsh concerning people outside of their realm, I stood up, threw down my bible toward the...