Dissatisfied With Religion? Is Atheism the Answer?

A friend that I had met on the internet a few years ago, declared that she had become an atheist/agnostic recently. I had noticed how she for years went from one line of thinking to another....usually following some ones way of thinking until she came to state that God created all evil, the spirit is active force, the dead are in a soul-sleep. Many things I had believed until I came to know God. Men have blamed God for all sorts of horrible deeds in the name of religion. When a man becomes dissatisfied with their religion again they blame God.

Her words were this..." I became an agnostic or atheist. I woke up one morning and I just didn't believe in god anymore. I found a couple of discussion forums for atheists and also open forums on religion. The more I study christianity the more sickened I am by the bible and what type of people religion seems to bring into its fold. Well, I won't bore you anymore with my new found unreligion."

I wrote her back to address the Religious verses a Godly relationship:

For years I was upset with religion and especially "Christianity", even though I grew closer to God I couldn't understand why others treated their "kindred brothers" as nothing or abusively. Religion isn't much different than politics really. Men wanting control of the lives of others makes me sick in spirit...I am always reminded, "Men have dominated man to his injury". Religions are man made...and history well shows the actions of those who "deem themselves as leaders" to have done horrific things in the name of their religion...The nation of Israel being guilty as well.

History shows that man has continued to walk away from God, but it also show that there were those of faith that had a personal relationship and walked with God. I was taught that God has always used an organization. Well that's not the example of anything positive after you discover that Israel, was an unfaithful group of people. But religion would use that to control the people, to scare them to stay with them.

It came to me, that mankind really hasn't changed much, we like to think ourselves more civilized and better than past generations, but that isn't so. Men are still leading men astray into their own way of thinking. Politics is a perfect example today...if you don't "think like me than there is something wrong with you" attitude prevails throughout our society. How can that be so?, when we all have our own minds and experiences that make us individuals, unique, one of a kind! Men treat each other the way they are at heart. The cruel treat other cruelly, kindhearted treat other kindly....and it goes on.

When I came to understand that God is Love and not just a quality of his. He is Love. I came to start looking from that perspective. (man has tampered with everything he can put his hands on including translating the Bible) Like all the OT makes and is translated that God is doing all this bad stuff. And with that understand...perspective, I can't see how any one would understand that God is love or would want anything to do with him. But....If I stand on the understanding that God is love....I see that God is always and in every way near to all and that it is mans leaving God's perfect provisions is when those bad things happened. It's not that God did anything to a man but that man what's to live life his own way, without God and man continues to walk away from God.

The beautiful thing about that, is God allows it to be so. It is also where man puts himself in the hands of other men. We are eye witnesses to what man has done to each other, including religion. After I came to understand that, I came to forgive men of their worthless words and their mistreatment towards others, they are ignorant and not knowing. Their grand knowledge is worthless, if it doesn't produce something positive and I don't see much positive coming from them. But.....it is the people....the individual....the ones that truly have open and kind hearts, that I see as worthy. From the beginning of biblical history....I see God talking & dealing individuals, not whole groups of men, where the results are positive. One on One....Father to child. God does not force us as though he was an earthling man.

I am reminded of the time when you spoke to that man that appeared to be a bum on the street. You saw the need of this man, you took the time to speak consolingly to him, thus you touched him in maybe a small way, but your heart was towards that man in kindness. That was the uniquely you, Debra showing love toward one another. That's what I think is godly love. That is God's love in you, his touch and both of you felt some satisfaction in that touch. I think that is what Jesus was showing those who would listen, how to treat one another. His biggest enemy was religion. It was his "national" (Jewish brothers), religious "brothers" that killed him. So yes, being nonreligious is a good thing. I don't see religion and God as being equal.

You and I had one major thing in common...and that is God will eventually bring men to know and understand HIM. That is the New Covenant spoken in Jeremiah 31:33,34....the Old did nothing for mankind and only Jesus could and did fulfill ALL the Old covenants, laws and prophetic pictures and stories. I still believe this is so. I trust you are where you want to be and have chose this path for yourself. God has given you the right to do so...if we believe in him or not...he allows us to walk this earth, to live, love and do as we please. That is what a loving parent does. His desires for us may be different than the path we are walking...but the end results, is Parents want their children to be happy.

You know I still will choose the Loving God I know but my heart is open to All of God's Children, and I believe you are one, unique individual walking here, trying to get through the rest of your life. Take care Debra, I pray you find joy in your life.

Religion has led man to God and away from God. I am reminded Jesus told his disciples at the beginning and throughout his ministry to "Follow Me", and upon his resurrection, Jesus again said, "You, follow me". John 21:19, 22. It is no longer a physical, human following, but now a spiritual following, as Jesus in now in this spiritual form. This is a hard thing to learn but the reward is after you have found Him and Follow Him. You discover there is no more need to follow men any more.

...for the Father is seeking such..."God is Spirit, and the ones who worship Him need to worship in spirit and in truth"

My question to those that have left both God and religion, Did you know God one on one, personally or did you listen to your pastor or others to know him in a limited way? May your spirit seek God's Holy Spirit. Agapi. Elchanan


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